Bismillahhirrahmannirrahim.. In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful... Bingkisan selawat dan salam buat junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad S.A.W serta para sahabatnya...
Ok hari ni nak share sikit info pasal klinik pakar ENT...since ya Allah susahnya nak cari kat kluang ni klinik pakar..alhamdulillah Allah mudahkan berkat dengan idea melalui mr GOOGLE....haish programmer kan...haruslah rajin mengoogle..
2 weeks telinga belah kanan aku pekak..aku hanya menggunakan satu telinga sahaja untuk mendengar...perghhhh baru kutahu nikmatnya bila dapat balik nikmat pendengaran...Alhamdulillah...cite sikit..selama dua minggu aku telah pergi dua klinik biasa..1st doctor bagi ubat titik which is no label of medicine okey!! which is supposedly salahla kan..every medicine kene ade label nama ubat...okey fine..i just follow the instruction dua titik 3 times daily..but unfortunately macam tak dok refer to another clinic pulak la kan....
2nd clinic, clinic macam i wish the doctor will do something on my ears la kan..since dah seminggu sakit...yet doctor just give ubat titik AGAIN...huaaaaaaaaa nangis...seriously its hard u know...gune sebelah telinga je tok mendengar...
So... another one week still nothing, aku still tak leh dengar..then i'm started googleling ..haish awat awal2 x google..i taught it would not take for a long time..and i taught doctor biasa pun can handle my problem thats why lah aku x google cari doctor pakar for ears...
Since i'm in Kluang, a small town yang bagi aku banyak facilities yang kurang...i was like mau nangis laju2 and drive back to shah alam je tau..hasil google i only got one clinic okey...which Klinik Nurish... i took the address and phone number...i'm decided to give a phone call first..but sadly no one answer my i just said to my beloved husband...jom we proceed to search that clinic today!! alhamdulillah found that clinic..mule2 tengok haish awat reception counter penuh india kah doctor dia...rupenye doctor Islam and agak berumur..
Dari kereta lagi aku dah berdoa moga kali ni dipermudahkan..and doctor please do something to my ears..please remove all the things that block my hearing....huhuhuhu..alhamdulillah.. i got a right doctor... sembang2 sikit dengan doctor cite itu all the ubat titis tu..then doctor asked me to make a test..hearing test...then after showed me the graph and mulela episod seterusnya remove all the things yang block my ears...ngiluuuuuuu...but alhamdulillah bile dah keluar bende yang block my hearing tu lege...i got back my hearing...alhamdulillah... no photo being taken due to aurah okey...sepanjang process suami soleh menemani isterinya....
So for those who stay in kluang and searching for ENT Specialist.. go and see this doctor...inshaallah he can help you..good service inshaallah....
here is the address and a picture of the clinic...located nearer to bsn kluang...